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Why Get Chiropractic Care?

The nervous system is the communication center between your brain and body, controlling every organ and function. Subluxations (or misalignments) can cause a disruption in this communication system and can result in pain or decreased function. Chiropractic care focuses on removing these subluxations and restoring mobility, stability, and function, allowing the body to adapt to stresses and heal itself.

Chiropractic is well known for relieving common symptoms such as low back and neck pain, headaches, and musculoskeletal complaints, but is so much more than that. Many other factors including diet & nutrition, lifestyle, stress, ergonomics, and other daily activities contribute to, or diminish your overall health.

Chiropractic allows the nervous system and body to function at its best, and is a proactive way to boost the immune system, allowing you to live life to its fullest and achieve optimal health.

Young pregnant woman, with casual clothes touching her bare tummy


Not only is it safe to see a chiropractor while you are pregnant, but there are many potential benefits to being adjusted while you are expecting. This is a time of many changes going on in mom as her body is constantly growing and adapting to meet her baby’s needs. Chiropractic adjustments are delivered with the intent to help mom’s body function better to meet those needs, as well as help keep her more comfortable. Dr. Kylee is trained and certified in the Webster technique, which is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment with a goal of reducing the effects of restriction and dysfunction in the sacrum and pelvis. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved. Chiropractic is great for moms after giving birth as well, a time that they are experiencing significant change physically in transitioning from pregnancy and delivery to breast feeding and caring for a new life.

Physiotherapist looking on the back of the junior girl during the medical examination

Infants and Children

Chiropractic is great for kids too! The majority of the development of our nervous system takes place at a very young age, which is why chiropractic care is so important for infants and children. Because pain is the last symptom to appear, many times a subluxation (misalignment) in infants or children presents as a problem with function, not pain. The benefits of chiropractic care in infants and children are endless.

Common conditions that parents bring infants or children to see the chiropractor include, but are not limited to colic, constipation, problems with sleep, difficulties nursing, bed wetting, ear infections, and growing pains!

Our technique is safe and gentle. Two of the most common things parents report after their little ones get adjusted are improved sleep and healthier, happier kids.

Need Chiropractic Services?

We perform chiropractic care, NAET®, and therapeutic modalities for muscle issues. If you’re in Whitewood or Bison, South Dakota and need these services, get in touch with us!